Monday, February 22, 2010

Winter blahs

I've officially hit the winter blahs.

I got fed up with the baby sweater I was making and frogged it. Not the smartest idea I had, but I ran out of the yarn I had, and couldn't find more. I was going to start a baby blanket instead, but... just can't get motivated.

I've put the shawl down that I was working on and haven't wanted to pick it up.

I just need to weave the ends in on one of my fingerless gloves, and start the other one, but I don't want to.

I'm cold. I'm getting over a bug. And I want to play in the garden. And I want to be warm.

Which now has about a foot of snow covering it.

Spring can not get here fast enough...

Instead, I'm going to go take a hot bath and hope for feeling back in my feet.

Friday, February 19, 2010


I have frogged knitted stuff before. Usually, it was because the project lost my interest and I wanted the yarn for something else.

The shawl I'm working on? Frogged it three times now. And it's finally looking like it should.

And I realize the therapy of frogging an item. Was it painful to do? Hell yeah. I spent a lot of time screwing up to get where I was. I was going to just live with the mistakes and hope things got better.

However, ripping it all out? Best thing I could have done. I'm now cruising along on it, in amazement at how the pattern is turning out.

And pattern designer - I'm sorry for thinking you didn't know what you were doing, when in fact, it was user error. Mea Culpa.

Now, if only I could get interested in the sweater for little nephew, as that deadline is coming up. Oh, well. If I have to, I'll substitute with a blanket.

Thursday, January 7, 2010

Stupid things I do

For some reason, I think I can remember everything.

Yes, yes, stupid I know.

However, the problem with that really comes to my yarn. I have several mystery balls of yarn. Good stuff that I bought at the Midwest Folk and Fiber Arts Fest as well as at Stitches Midwest. Things that I thought I kept the tags with, but lo! and behold! as I go through my stash I realized just how many tagless balls of yarn I had.

Stupid, stupid, stupid. I at least remembered one of them was a Briar Rose, and managed to look that yarn up and log it in my ravelry account so I have the basic information there. But there are several other yarns that I'm wondering what they heck they are and how much of them there are.

Yup, I'm stupid. I need to stop winding the yarn until I'm ready to use it. If only I could remember that in the after "ahh'ing" of buying new, beautiful yarn.

And I fully admit. After Midwest F&FAF, I was in a yarn high. (It's like a sugar high, only more bouncing off the walls and a lot more planning that never happens.) I'd only been able to shop at chain stores, so coming home with handmade yarn, hand spun yarn, hand dyed yarn - yarn that wasn't made in a huge factory but had contact with humans at most of the parts of conception - it was dizzying. And amazing. And I got home and didn't know what to do with it...

So I wound them into balls without thinking.

Know, I'm calling myself stupid... Yarn makes me forget rational thought. ;)

Monday, December 21, 2009

knitting for the holidays

Okay, so the long list of things I thought I would make for the holidays has long since been abandoned. The golf club covers? Didn't do. The sweater for new addition to the family? Skipped it for now - maybe for January. I'm trying to finish up the gifts for the adopted nieces. I just have to finish one more fingerless mitten/glove thingie and then weave in all the ... ends. And then do the same for that scarf. And finally fix that hat.

And then I get to get started on Hubby's hat and the Jayne Hat for someone else. And repair the mitten that someone asked me to do. And make a scarf for the vets.

Then maybe, just maybe, I'll knit something for me.

One of these days.